Zulay 3-in-1 Manual Citrus Juicer Reamer Cup, 17oz.: While this juicer was effective, the Chef’n Citrus Juicester was just more comfortable to use and slightly more efficient at extraction.

OXO Good Grips Wooden Citrus Reamer: While the wooden design is simple and easy to use, it didn't provide as much yield as its handheld reamer competitor, the Zak Designs Citrus Reamer.Because of this, it performed the worst, with just 34% lemon juice and 19% lime juice yields. Joie Lemon and Lime Juicer and Reamer: Due to its very sharp edges and tip, it scraped a lot of the citrus pith and pulp, resulting in bitter juice and too much pulp.It had larger slits in its strainer, which meant it didn’t catch quite as much pulp. While the yield wasn’t bad at 36%, it took us the longest to juice with this juicer (7 minutes total). OXO Good Grips 2-in-1 Citrus Juicer: This countertop juicer comes with two reamers that stack on top of each other for easy storage.Since the bowl was rather small, we found that the juice filled up very quickly and we had to empty it every few lemon halves. It was just behind the top performers at 37% yield in six minutes. Mueller Citrus Juicer: This countertop juicer has a built-in reamer that connected to the base of the bowl itself, adding a bit of stability when juicing.Similar to the Zulay and Imusa models, this one did not provide added leverage to assist with squeezing. OXO Good Grips Citrus Squeezer: While this squeezer didn’t yield as much juice, it was sturdy and had rubber on its handles for added grip.At $6, it was the least expensive out of the handheld squeezer models. After juicing the lemons and limes, the Imusa lemon squeezer sustained a chip in its bowl, making us wary of using it long-term. Imusa USA Lemon Squeezer: This handheld squeezer performed neck-to-neck with our top choices, but the quality of the material didn’t stand up to the challenge at the end of the day.Unlike the Chef’n FreshForce Citrus Juicer or KitchenAid Citrus Squeezer, there’s no leverage assistance with this one so it’s really up to your own hand strength to get citrus juiced. Zulay Lemon Squeezer: The yield from this model was a bit behind the other handheld squeezers.

Serious Eats / Amanda Suarez The Competition Cleanup Tests: We cleaned each juicer by hand after every test and, with the dishwasher-friendly ones, ran them through a cycle to assess ease of cleanup and examine how they fared.Orange Fit: With each juicer, we attempted to juice one navel orange, halved, noting if the juicer was able to easily accommodate it.Taste Tests: We sampled the juice procured from each method, including the control group, and ranked the bitterness, the floral or fragrant quality, and the overall taste of each juice on a scale of 1 to 10.We noted total yield, speed of juicing, and ease of use. Limes Test: For each juicer, we weighed 10 limes in grams.

Then, we juiced the fruit and strained it.